Setting up the Sweet Paprika studio
As some of you know, Debbie and I had to move studios rather unexpectedly last August. Although it was very stressful at the time, Debbie managed to find us another studio within a week, and the new space is wonderful! But because we moved in in such a rush, we didn't have a lot of time to set everything up the way we wanted last fall. In an effort to start out the new year with a more organized and efficient work space, part of January was spent shopping for new shelving and storage bins. There are still a few things to be done, but it's really coming together. Here's a little photographic tour for you:

This is what the studio looked like when we moved all our stuff in

We still need a few more storage bins here, but it's getting there!
Dye powder ready for mixing
Dye stock solutions
One of the many work surfaces for dyeing yarn
Hand-dyed yarn, waiting to be skeined and labeled
If you're in Montreal and want to come say hello and see the studio in person, please contact us! We're happy to have visitors, but we're not there every day so do make sure to make an appointment before dropping by.
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Meet the Designer: Nidhi Kansal of knidhiknits

Elizabeth Sullivan