Accomplishments of the Week - Sept 11, 2018

par Elizabeth Sullivan septembre 11, 2018

Accomplishments of the Week - Sept 11, 2018

Accomplishment #1

One of the best parts of living in our new neighbourhood is being close the Jean-Talon Market, my favourite market in Montreal. I've been taking full advantage of it and going about once a week or so to pick up fruits and veggies, much of it for freezing and canning for the winter. So far I've frozen strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, sliced peaches, strawberry-rhubarb jam, and lecso (Hungarian stewed peppers with tomatoes, onion and paprika), and this past weekend a friend and I canned 27L of crushed tomatoes! I've got plum jam cooking on the stove as I write this and I'm still hoping to can some pickles and applesauce this year and maybe freeze some corn, squash, and cranberries. We'll see how much I can get to!


Accomplishment #2

I finished this cute little dress in time for my daughter's first birthday. Looking at my project notes on Ravelry, I started this dress in 2008! It was definitely not started with my daughter in mind, but I found the almost-finished project while moving and since it seemed like it would be a perfect fit for her now, it was worth spending a couple of hours sewing up the pieces, weaving in all the ends and adding the flowers.


Accomplishment #3

It's been a while since I wrote an accomplishments blog post so this one's actually from a couple of weeks ago. I promised my son earlier this summer that we'd take the Yellow metro line to Jean-Drapeau park. It's one of those places that's not particularly far or difficult to get to, but it's also not on any of my usual trajectories around the city so I don't go very often. One hot Monday with nothing else planned, it seemed like the ideal day to pack a picnic and get out of the middle of the city, so we went for a little adventure. When we got out of the metro station, we found that a large part of the island was under construction and it was very noisy, so we headed away from the noise and ended up at the Tour de Lévis. Unfortunately it wasn't open since it was a weekday, but the kids had fun playing on these wagons. One was set up with a fake grass carpet and wooden lawn chairs, and the other was a portable sandbox! Have you discovered anything new in your town or city this summer?


Elizabeth Sullivan
Elizabeth Sullivan


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